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Posts tagged “pileated woodpecker

Pileated Woodpecker – the Prize for Me

I like to photograph birds and the Downy and the Hairy are great finds as are the yellow-shafted flicker and the sapsucker (more of a rarity) but I always get excited when I spot the Pileated Woodpecker and even more happy when I can get a good shot of one. They are the largest woodpecker in North America and are about sixteen inches from head to tail. Two days ago I was near the feeders when a black shape flew by and I could hear a deep  loud sound of wings.I looked in the direction it flew and sure enough, it was the pileated woodpecker. This time it was a male, with the extra red stripe under its bill and a larger top knot than the female. it was making a late afternoon visit to the feeders to dine on suet.

Going for the Suet

It stayed to feed on suet then took off to a higher perch where I heard it pounding away at the trunk of a mostly dead tree. I followed it and even got a couple of photos before it flew it’s undulating flight pattern to a stand of trees further away. It only takes a few minutes for them to make these deep holes in the tree and when you are in the woods and see trees full of these squared-off holes, it is a good sign the pileateds are around. Often Owls will nest in these holes.

Knocking on Wood

It is often too high up or far away to get a good shot, or obscured by many branches. I sometimes see the pair of them together on the same tree.  Maybe there will be young ones to come. Regardless, this day was a good one for this photographer.